###Requirements * Yii 1.0 or above ###Installation * Extract the release file under `protected/extensions` ###Usage See the following code example: ##Simple Usage widget('application.extensions.addThis'); ?> ##Customized Appearance widget('application.extensions.addThis', array( 'id'=>'addThis', 'username'=>'username', 'defaultButtonCaption'=>'Share', 'showDefaultButton'=>true, 'showDefaultButtonCaption'=>true, 'separator'=>'|', 'htmlOptions'=>array(), 'linkOptions'=>array(), 'showServices'=>array('facebook', 'twitter', 'myspace', 'email', 'print'), 'showServicesTitle'=>false, 'config'=>array('ui_language'=>'en'), 'share'=>array(), ) ); ?> ' ##Customize variables guide // @var string the name of username on addThis. $username; // @var string valid url of addThis script. Defaults to 'http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js'. $scriptUrl='http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js'; // @var string valid url of addThis default button. Defaults to 'http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250'. $linkUrl='http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250'; // @var string the caption of the addThis default button. Defaults to 'Share'. $defaultButtonCaption='Share'; // @var boolean whether the default addThis button is visible. Defaults to true. $showDefaultButton=true; // @var boolean whether the default addThis button caption is visible. Defaults to true. $showDefaultButtonCaption=true; // @var string the separator character. Defaults to ' '. $separator=' '; // @var array the addThis div tag attributes. $htmlOptions=array(); // @var array the addThis default button a tag attributes. $linkOptions=array(); // @var array the addThis services to show. $showServices=array(); // @var boolean whether the services name $showServicesTitle=false; // @var array the addThis cofig parameters. $config=array(); GUIDE (http://www.addthis.com/help/menu-api#configuration-ui) // @var array the addThis share parameters. $share=array(); GUIDE (http://www.addthis.com/help/menu-api#configuration-sharing)